Any pain in the human body is a source of problems and suffering. The usual daily work is already becoming an impossible task.

Joint pain is a common problem addressed to specialists. Through diagnoses, the cause of pain onset is investigated. Physical activity often becomes a source of unpleasant sensations, especially when a body not used to sports is overworked.
These pains disappear after a while, just for the body to rest. However, not all problems go away so quickly. There are several diseases that, for a long time, are accompanied by pain throughout the body.
Joints throughout the body ache - cause
This disease can manifest itself in two ways:
Symptoms include pain and swelling in the affected area. At some point, the pain doesn't spread to all the joints in the body. Rheumatism gradually moves to large joints. Mainly on the shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle and hip.
Good to know!Hands and feet are generally unaffected by rheumatism. This illness usually appears after a sore throat.
Rheumatoid arthritis
The appearance of joint pain may indicate the onset or progression of rheumatoid arthritis. The risk group includes people over 40 years of age. Rarely does such a disease affect children and teenagers, it has a slightly different name - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Observation!In addition to pain, the person feels stiff when moving and swelling, especially in the morning. Pain in all joints at the same time usually appears early in the disease or during an exacerbation.
Osteoarthritis triggers pathological processes in the human body that dystrophically alter cartilage. The disease affects older people.
Osteoarthritis spreads slowly throughout the body, at first the pain appears in one place and lasts for several seconds. If you don't start treatment on time, the disease may start; it is a more complex and long-term treatment.
Excessive tension in the joints
Intense physical activity can lead to overtraining of the joints. After a few hours, unpleasant sensations appear in the joints, especially when overloaded places are in motion. Basically, the lower limbs suffer, as this is where most of the loads come from.
Observation!It is advisable to rest the body for a few days so that the pain is lessened. To improve the effect, you can use warming ointments. But if symptoms persist, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as more serious damage can occur.
autoimmune diseases
These diseases are characterized by a pathological condition during which antibodies are formed that destroy connective tissue. Cartilage is often also involved in this process, as it is a connective tissue.
These diseases include:
- lupus erythematosus;
- vasculitis;
- ankylosing spondylitis;
- scleroderma.
Observation!These diseases affect most of a person's joints, plus a rash appears on the face, bleeding increases, and the digestive tract is stopped.
blood diseases
Blood disorders can damage the bone marrow, hence joint pain.
Common blood disorders include:
Multiple myeloma affects the ribs, pelvic bones, and spine. In this case, very sharp pains occur. In an advanced stage, it reaches bone destruction and fragility. In this case, the bones break very easily. The disease requires serious, long-term treatment in the oncology department.
Observation!Acute leukemia also brings discomfort to the body. The lymph nodes and spleen are also enlarged. The temperature rises and weakness appears.
other reasons
How are the symptoms and signs of joint pain manifested?

Symptoms appear in different ways depending on the cause of the disease and its stage. One of the important symptoms is loss of joint mobility and swelling at this site.
The pain is most often felt in the fall and spring, when the body is especially weak. During the day, a person may not be bothered by anything, but as soon as he assumes a lying position, unpleasant sensations immediately appear. This is because the joints "tired" during the day, and the horizontal position worsens blood circulation.
Good to know!This symptomatology suggests that it is necessary to go to the doctor. After the diagnosis, it will be possible to identify the affected areas and correctly prescribe the treatment.
diagnostic methods
The specialist usually prescribes a comprehensive examination for the patient using laboratory and instrumental means:
Observation!In addition, it may be necessary to consult a rheumatologist, hematologist and neurologist.
Joint Pain Treatment
conservative therapy

The basis of all treatments is medication. Each of them is prescribed by a doctor based on the diagnosis.
The following medications are used:
Observation!Specific diseases such as blood disorders, cancer problems, vascular pathologies and osteoporosis are subject to more serious treatment.
The therapy is used for trauma, tissue inflammation, osteoarthritis and some forms of arthritis. Other illnesses prohibit physical therapy as it can be harmful.
Physiotherapy is contraindicated for:
- tumors;
- blood diseases;
- connective tissue diseases.
Physiotherapy treatments include:
folk remedies
Before choosing folk remedies, you need to discuss this with your doctor. Not all illnesses can be treated this way.
The most common folk remedies are:
prevention measures

- Monitor your health, strengthen immunity and prevent infections and colds.
- To live an active lifestyle. But that doesn't mean that you need to play sports intensely, thus overloading your body. Enough regular moderate exercise.
- Focus on foods with calcium.
- Drink at least two liters of water a day.
To remember:that human health depends primarily on oneself. A healthy body requires constant work on itself. This work consists of observing the elementary rules of life. Harmony with your body allows you to be always happy, happy and joyful.